Learning to shoot the ball well is obviously key to success on your player's journey. Access to a hoop isn't always easy, so when you get it, they will want to maximize their time with specific drills to improve their shooting.
Below is a great video of 5 simple shooting drills to improve your shooting, and to prepare for rep basketball tryouts (get that form shooting down!!!)
I would recommend always starting with drills before free shooting so that your player is getting that training time in.
Shooting the three takes a little extra. Maybe your player is a natural, but for many, shooting from the perimeter isn't easy.
Coaches like reliable 3 point shooters because they force the defense to spread out, giving the players who play in the paint more open access to the bucket.
The video below is a great introduction to 3 point shooting:
The key is to rely on form and shot mechanics to deliver the power as opposed to heaving the ball which reduces accuracy.